Our Community Research Site Locations

Delivering certainty around diversity by providing clinical research access to underserved communities and populations.

US Community Research Site Network

Surrounding Population: 28,533,833

UK Community Research Site Network

Surrounding Population: 4,556,730

EmVenio’s network of 23 Community Research Sites spans underserved and highly diverse communities across the United States and United Kingdom.

Our mission is to improve access to clinical trials within underserved communities and diverse patient populations.  We believe that to truly make a difference, we must operate within the very communities where people live and work – increasing awareness of clinical research and reducing the burden of patient participation.

Establishing the Right Site Location

Choosing the right sites is crucial to addressing disparities in clinical trial involvement and improving the ability to meet overall enrollment objections.  EmVenio employs data-driven decisions at the community level to ensure optimal alignment of communities with clinical trials.  This encompasses the placement of Community Research Sites, patient engagement, and recruitment endeavors, all aimed at enhancing community participation, boosting patient enrollment, and elevating research outcomes.

Group Gathering

When selecting the ideal locations for our Community Research Sites, EmVenio takes into account a range of factors, including:

  • disease prevalence
  • population demographics
  • access to readily available healthcare facilities and practitioners
  • competitive landscape of clinical research
  • socioeconomic factors such as social, health, and financial risk scores. These risk scores encompass issues like housing and food insecurity, transportation barriers, and health literacy.


Collectively, we are able to gain a comprehensive understanding of the metrics that drive community, social, and health factors. This knowledge serves as the foundation for developing strategies to actively engage both communities and the individuals within them.

Matching the Right Sites to Your Studies

EmVenio understands that each study is unique and that not all of our sites are matches for every protocol.  Upon receiving your protocol, EmVenio will analyze the metrics available at our site locations to ensure that they align with the requirements of the trial.  This evaluation will consider factors such as inclusion criteria, capacity, staffing, and recruitment projections. Our goal is to offer you a customized solution that will position your study for success.



Of Study Enrollment Targets Achieved


Of Enrolled Patients Self-Identified As Minority Ethnicity In Completed Studies


Average Diverse Patient Population Per Site

Implementing your trial at our established sites provides you with the power of local.

  • Efficient Study Activation: < 4 Weeks
  • Improved Diversity
  • Customized Patient Recruitment
  • Ideal for Ongoing or New Studies

If you don’t find a suitable area for your trial, let us know what you’re looking for. We have the capability to set up new sites tailored to your study’s demands.

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